Creole Bible Study Helps
Bible Study Booklets
These materials are written in Creole by our pastoral staff. Free to download and use. (Available at - external link) |
Ressources d'étude biblique
Téléchargement Gratuit |
Creole Sermons
These sermons were preached at Eglise Baptiste Maranatha in St Raphael, Haiti. (Available at - external link) |
Sermons en Créole Haïtien
Téléchargement Gratuit |
MySword Bible modules
Individual Bibles that can be added to the MySword app to create a powerful Bible study tool. Instructions 1. Install the MySword app on your android phone. 2. Open the MySword app, open settings, and click on "download modules." 3. Download the KJV Bible (it has embedded Strong's numbers) and Strong's dictionary first, as many of the other available resources are keyed to them. 4. Also download all the other Bible, dictionary, commentary, etc. modules that interest you, then close out the app and reopen it. 5. Now the app is functional, you can add the French Bibles available for free download on the right. 6. Download the files on the right. After downloading them, look for them in the download folder of your phone or laptop. You can identify them by the file type, ".bbl.mybible" 7. Copy and paste the files into the phone/mysword/bibles directory 8. Re-open the MySword app and check your list of available Bibles 9. Visit and download other Bibles, commentaries, and dictionaries for the MySword app on your phone or the e-Sword program for your laptop. (These MySword modules are open source. Both e-Sword for PC and MySword for Android are free Bible study programs that include multiple Bible, commentary, and dictionary modules. You will need to set up an account with to be able to use their site.) Kòman enstale Bib la an Kreyòl nan selilè touch pa w? Sa se pou selilè °Android° sèlman, Iphone mande yon lòt mach a swiv. 1. Enstale ap MySword sou selilè °Android° pa w. 2. Louvri ap MySword, Ale nan °settings - parametres°, epi klik sou "download modules - télécharger modules." 3. Telechaje Bib KJV. Wi, se yon Bib angle, men li sèvi kòm yon baz pou pwogram nan fonksyonne (li genyen chif °Strong's° entegre ladan l, yon seri de chif ki reprezante mo grèk nan tèks orijinal la.) Epitou, telechaje diksyonè °Strong's° paske lòt resous entegre avèk li epi fonksyonne apati de li. 4. Telechaje tout lòt Bib, diksyonnè, ak komantè ki enterese w ki parèt nan lis Bib ak Kòmantè ki disponib. W'ap oblije chwazi lang la epi selèksyonne sa w vle. Apre w fin telechaje sa w vle a, fèmen ap la epi relimen li ankò. 5. Kounyea a, ap la dwe fonksyonne. Louvri yon Bib epi verifiye l. 6. Genyen plizyè lòt Bib franse e kreyòl isi. Chwazi sa w ki enterese w. 7. Pou enstale Bib sa yo, se pou w telechaje yo avan. Apre w fin telechaje yo, w'ap bezwen chache yo kote yo ye nan sèvo selilè ou laptòp w. Nan selilè Android, w'ap bezwen louvri yon ap tankou °File Manager° oubyen °My Files° pou chache kote yo ye. Pi souvan yo parèt nan dosyè °Télécharger° (Downloads folder). W'ap ka idantifiye yo pa tip de fichiyè, ".bbl.mybible" 8. Kopiye epi kole fichiyè yo nan repètwa prensipal, °/mysword/bibles°. 9. Lè w fin kopiye epi kole bib yo nan dosyè yo, fèmen ap la epi relimen l ankò. Verifye nan lis Bib ke chak Bib w te telechaje epi enstale parèt epi louvri b yen. 10. Si w bezwen lòt Bib, kòmantè ak diksyonnè, visite sit W'ap bezwen kreye yon akont gratis avan w kapab telechaje lòt Bib ak kòmantè, men yon genyen yon resous matèyo sous ouvèt ki kapab ede w. Sonje genyen yon diferans ant mòdil e-Sword ki pou laptòp ak modil Mysword ki pou Android. Telechaje sa ki apwòpriye pou pwogram w'ap itilize a. |
Ressources d'étude biblique
Téléchargement Gratuit |
MySword / E-Sword Module Conversion There are many free (open source, free to use with permission by author) Bible, commentary, and dictionary modules available. But, sometimes the file format does not match the program you are using. The Simple Bible Reader is an easy to use program that allows you to open many modules and then save them in a different format. Check the link for the free download and user guide. |
Programme pour convertir un module biblique,
Avec un guide d'utilisateur. Téléchargement Gratuit. |
Mail to reach us in the bahamas
Tim and RoseAnne Bower, Unit #5013-BOW, 3170 Airmans Dr., Ft. Pierce, FL 34946
Financial Correspondence
Tim and RoseAnne Bower, Open Door Baptist Mission, 1115 Pelham Rd., Greenville, SC 29615
(Haiti) +1-242-817-8158 (WhatsApp)
(facebook) Tim and Roseanne bower
(email) [email protected]
Tim and RoseAnne Bower, Unit #5013-BOW, 3170 Airmans Dr., Ft. Pierce, FL 34946
Financial Correspondence
Tim and RoseAnne Bower, Open Door Baptist Mission, 1115 Pelham Rd., Greenville, SC 29615
(Haiti) +1-242-817-8158 (WhatsApp)
(facebook) Tim and Roseanne bower
(email) [email protected]